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and its sad how the occult/magic scene and the stuff is related to it is dying, the gap between the generation who was interested in it and this generation is big, anyone from this generation like me find it hard to get into from how hard is to find sources and if you found any its a 1% chance to find someone to ask about.
Hello everyone
Stumbling at this forum randomly while searching is like stumbling on the lost books of the lost library of Alexandria.

Im a 19 years old from the Orient world, which made me more interested in Adonisim after reading about it in this forum before a year.

I know that everyone here is either forgot about that place or have a little time due life and family, but if anyone have a little time and saw this I will be thankful a lot for helping me in occult journey.

My questions is generally about adonisim, I wanted to go to the website that was mentioned in the topic about it here "" that was made from some members in that forum but the website is lost, tried to go into it through the wayback machine in the internet archive site but it wasnt save there either.

is there a way to contact abrasax about it, does anyone know any other forums about it or about occultsm since most of it dead right now or lost.

any advices or roadmaps suggestion for me I will be greatfull about it forever
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